Imagine having a tiny critter burrowing into the bottom of your foot or in your hand?  This parasite will live and reproduce in your skin and spread, causing pain, inability to walk or use your hands, and could even lead to death.  So what is this tiny creature which causes so much harm?

It’s a sand flea found in Sub Saharan climates, most prominent in dry season.

jiggerJiggers (NOT CHIGGERSjiggers are parasitic burrowers) are small chigoe fleas that live in the dust, and are found on the dirt floors in schools and homes.

These parasitic insects cling to livestock and transfer jiggers into homes primarily in rural areas. The female jiggers burrow into the surface of skin that has been exposed to the flea. Once embedded in the body, the jigger lays eggs and creates up to pea-size egg sacks and continues to multiply by laying more eggs.

These wounds are painful, and cause difficulties for victims in daily activities such as walking, playing, and attending school.  The infection can lead to severe inflammation, ulceration and fibrosis. It can also cause lymphangitis, gangrene, sepsis, and the loss of toenails, amputation of the digits, and death may also occur.

While jiggers in small numbers are not deadly, the secondary infections (gangrene, tetanus and other diseases) caused by jiggers can be fatal. (source Sole Hope, they work in Uganda).

A C4KK Outreach team member has located a village which has been infested by these horrible parasites.  He has been diligently working with them to help rid them of jiggers and heal the wounds left behind.  We are in the process of gathering medical supplies to deliver next week and continue the work of bringing healing to these folks.

All photos are from our team member working in the area.

It starts with a small black dot on the bottom of the foot.


but if left untreated can and will become a huge problem

jigger-infested-feet jigger-infested-feet-(4) jigger-infested-feet-(3) grandma-eunice

Treatment involves soaking the feet in a medicated bath which kills the parasite and they are removed from the feet/hands.  Then the affected areas are washed with soap and water and lastly a vaseline type product is rubbed on for healing along with an antibiotic cream.  This process is done for 14 days.  In addition to removing the jiggers and healing the wounds, homes need to be fumigated for the parasite and then shoes need to be worn.


Child’s feet are soaked in the medicated bath (the red color is from the medicine)


This little guy had his feet treated but we are also looking into worm medicine for him.


An infected foot after soaking in the medicated bath

This parasite is indiscriminate in their choice of host….they affect both young and old, man or woman.


This village has many people suffering with this terrible parasite.  Joseck says “We.are on location at Epali village treating jigger affected families. We have names of all these people and one thing you need to know is that all these children can’t attend school in this condition. It brakes my heart that a village is expanding with people who doesn’t have any formal education. God hàve mercy.


We have come up with a budget of $2260 to complete this process for 40 children.  Typically when an “event” like this is started and people in the community see what is happening more will come for help, so no matter what we receive Saved By God’s Grace will do what we can but we would appreciate your assistance.  Please go to our website’s donation page to donate.  Choose C4KK Benevolence if using the online option, or write C4KK Benevolence in the memo of your check.

Along with physical healing our team member Joseck also prays with family members and introduces them to spiritual healing.


Thank you for being a part of this ministry and we will have more updates for you in the coming week or so when Chuck and I travel to this area with supplies.

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