A while back I was venting some frustrations to a friend and she wrote back and said “I can’t believe you haven’t punched someone in the face yet”. That’s now my catch phrase when I’m frustrated….I want to punch someone in the face!
You may remember my recent post about a friend who is being harassed for doing good (if not you can refresh your memory here). As if that wasn’t enough to make me want to punch someone in the face here are two instances which have occurred recently:
A woman we are helping with a very serious eye issue and possible cancer had a biopsy done and the hospital told her to come back in 2 weeks for the results. When the hospital was called to see if the results were ready (rather than travel 8 hours only to be told it wasn’t) they said no, it wasn’t ready, come Monday. Then a doctor called the following day and said not to bother coming since the machine which would do the biopsy test was broken. The hospital never once mentioned a broken machine. Now we are working on getting the sample transferred to where it can be tested.
The second, terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day instance (sorry, just saw the trailer for that movie)…you may remember Hezakiah (More Hope). Well Hezakiah was returning home from a shop and the police did a “swoop” arrest, meaning they were basically arresting everyone on the streets and arrested Hezakiah for “being disorderly in his wheelchair”. Now our friend is at the courthouse trying to settle the issue.
The idiocy and hypocrisy, greed and selfishness of many (who am I kidding…most) systems here is maddening. We can’t solve Kenya’s problems but we can assist (with your support) one child at a time….finding sponsors (still a need) for driven young people, assisting families with food, providing a loving environment for abused and abandoned children, working with partners who also simply want to assist their fellow man (Words, Treasures) and show them the love of Christ.
So instead of punching someone in the face I rant and rave to Chuck (ok, I admit I sometimes punch him in the arm…hmmm maybe a punching bag is in order!?), pray and continue on. Thank you all for your continued support and if you’d like to begin donating to Saved By God’s Grace please visit our Donate page for more information. Thank you again and have a blessed day.
On the bright side though it has been raining off and on all day! These are certainly welcome rains for the entire country!