In many areas where C4KK benevolence team work small (and sometimes larger) gifts bring a smile to someone’s face and they are always told “God loves you”.
Access to water
School uniform
Mom coming home from “hospital prison”
A new face to say “I love you”
Friends to help you through a medical crisis
A new roof
Helping a lost child
A cool cup of water for hard working C4KK volunteers
Rebuilding a destroyed home
Mzungu hair to play with
Visitors to bring some excitement (and learning)
Receiving school supplies
Giving a little food to get through the monthTeamwork
Medical attention
Thank you for being a part of these smiles. Wondering how you can be a part? Simply go to our Donate Page for information on becoming a monthly (or one-time) donor. You too can assist in bringing even more smiles to orphans and widows.