As I’m getting older I seem to be turning into Goldilocks (this bed is too soft, this bed is too hard…you get the idea). But I seem to remember when my children were little they would fall asleep anywhere, be it the floor, highchair or best of all in my arms!
However, when my kids fell asleep on the floor it was a carpeted, warm area, free of bugs and they’d be scooped up and put into a safe, comfy bed. Many children Saved By God’s Grace work with do not have this luxury. Mothers will pile what little clothes they have on the floor for their children to sleep on. Doing this helps prevent jiggers from crawling on and biting their children and it’s the best option they have with no means of purchasing a bed.
Saved By God’s Grace is helping families sleep a little better by providing bunk beds (complete with mattresses and blankets). Can you imagine the feeling of sleeping on a bed for the first time in your life? Knowing you no longer have to sleep in the dust (or mud if your roof leaks, which we also help with). And it doesn’t even matter if you have to share your bed with a brother or sister because you are sleeping on a nice, warm, comfortable bed!
Please consider becoming a partner with Saved By God’s Grace. Your financial support means more beds can be purchased (1 bunk bed with mattresses and blankets-$160), more roofs can be replaced ($300), more children can continue to attend school, more grandmothers can feed their grandchildren and more families will be shown the love of Jesus Christ. They see His love through the actions of our volunteer team members and many tell us “God has not forgotten us!” Praise God people are coming to Him and giving Him the glory!
When God remembers the least in the community, the joy that floods their hearts is unspeakable. Alice’s children have never experienced such love from people outside of their family. Please, Tammy tell our supporters that their sacrificial giving toward this mission touches many souls to the core. I can imagine these children telling their generations about C4kk missionary support that changed their lives when nobody seemed to care about them. God bless you and thank you. Joseck, Luanda team member
That is just one of the many testimonies we receive and we are so thankful for this opportunity to be a small part of God’s plan. Thank you for your prayerful consideration in supporting Saved By God’s Grace and feel free to share this with friends and family!