Aside from the usual food programs held monthly throughout the country of Kenya the C4KK Outreach team members organized for and supplied meals for many, many families this Christmas season. One way many Kenyans celebrate is with a special meal which includes chapati (tortilla/flat bread type of food) but most are not able to purchase the ingredients necessary to make this treat.
With your donations three locations of C4KK outreach was able to provide these ingredients and more. Thank you for being a blessing to so many in not only feeding them physically but they were also spiritually fed…being told how very much they are loved by us but most importantly by God!
Nakuru with Ben:
Even with the muddy roads women came to receive their supply and were happy to carry the heavy loads back home through the mud.
Even the elderly enjoy a sweet treat every now and then!
Thank you Ben for your servant heart towards your community and your love of sharing Jesus Christ.
Juja with Faith:
The elderly were given a hot meal, shared in fellowship, Bible teaching and a package of food.
Thank you Faith for your continued passion to share the love of Jesus Christ with the elderly.
Luanda with Joseck:
Kids get together and a football (soccer) game usually occurs!
Thank you Joseck and family for hosting this event at your home and for your humble nature in serving those in need throughout your community. We are happy to see you, Joseck, feeling better and healing by God’s grace!
Among the games, fellowship, dancing and food preparation the Word of God was read and people heard of God’s gift to us all…His Son, Jesus Christ and the gift of salvation. Thank you for your generous support of Saved By God’s Grace which helped make these Christmas parties a reality for so many families.
Please consider becoming a monthly supporter of Saved By God’s Grace and watch as more families are assisted throughout the year. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and have a blessed Christmas!