Thanks to the contribution of a donor, ground breaking occurred for a new well and this community will soon be praising God for clean water!
Ground breaking begins!
Digging a well in many Kenyan villages comes down to manual labor. These young men are working hard and through their efforts are bringing clean water to the community.
We are thankful for the donor who has supported this project.
A young boy from the community anxiously awaits clean water for his family.
The need for clean water is essential and many families are unable to find safe water, instead relying on watering holes where animals also drink and contaminate it.
Can you imagine this next image happening near you…simply for the sake of clean water?
A baby left unattended to as the mother goes out in search of clean water to wash the tomatoes before selling. Thank God soon there will be clean water for mothers like this one in this market.
Please consider donating to Saved By God’s Grace. We are still looking for assistance to build three more homes ($1500 each) and a chapati Christmas ($1800) for families who are living with or caring for someone with AIDS/HIV. Or if you’d rather donate to the general fund your donation will be put to the best possible use.
Thank you for your consideration and have a blessed day!