Wimuseo? (How are you?) Today we decided to go into Nairobi. I’m not thrilled with going in since it is such a busy city and a lot of pollution. They definitely do not have emissions testing, or an EPA! But before we left I met a mother and a grandmother of three students (Gideon, Rosemary and Kelvin). They were the students that we went to visit their homes and they wanted to come and thank us for helping their children. I told them that God has brought us here and we are thankful for the opportunity. Gideon’s mother is bringing me a chicken tomorrow as a thank you. I had to ask the stupid question though – will it be live or ready to eat? Of course it will be live and then I had to ask who was going to slaughter it? The answer was a resounding, Tammy! I begged off on that very quickly and said I would watch but I don’t think I could actually slaughter it. We’ll see what happens tomorrow!
So in Nairobi we were able to get some school supplies for the kids. Like pencils, pens, erasers, pencil sharpeners, chalk, rulers, compasses, protractors, notebooks for writing homework problems, and a set of books for the teachers to help them teach what tests will be given to the students when they move from class 8 to form one (8th grade to 9th grade). Those will be very helpful to increase the standard at the academy. Thank you all for your prayers and your patience as we struggle to get internet! Pauline and Gideon don’t see the rush to get information to you because we are now on African time! I have it down during the day, but when I want to get on the internet and update you it gets very frustrating!
Tomorrow I will be taking more pictures and information from the kids. As soon as that is finished I want to go around and film the classes in progress, so I need to get to that because they are on break the month of April. Please continue to pray for God’s will to be done here in Tala and His providence will continue to bless those being helped.

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