Thought I’d give everyone a heads up on what is coming up…
- I’ve invited Chuck (my hubby) to be a guest blogger here from time to time and his first blog post will be tomorrow! He said in his recent newsletter – My passion is to provide you with insight and encouragement in beginning and enhancing your walk with the Lord Jesus. I will humbly attempt to do so through maybe a weekly post about Scripture, living in faith, what is happening on the ground in Kenya, etc. Be sure to watch for that.
- My “mini-series” on how this ministry began will be starting soon. It will be a multi-part series (haven’t quite gotten the editing down yet to know how many parts) giving you some details of how God moved us towards the mission He has for us in Kenya. I pray it inspires you to trust the Lord in all areas of your life and listen for His direction.
As for what’s happening right now:
- continue packing
- continue my detox program until next Monday (juice and water only)
- continue seeking the Lord’s guidance in all aspects of my life (big order but God is big and He’ll see me through)
- continue meeting with friends and relatives (May 4 is coming fast)
- continue giving God the glory for everything that’s been happening, both in my personal life and the ministry, none of it would be possible withouth His strength
- continue thanking you for your generous support, prayerfully and financially – thank you!