Lucy Wambui (Child No. MC114)

Lucy’s mother is alive, but she was living with her grandmother.  It is unknown where her father is. 

Her grandmother brought her to Mercy Child Foundation in Koma, Kenya.  Her mother has never visited her and her grandmother has visited once. 

Lucy has three brothers who live elsewhere and three sisters who live here with her.  

Her favorite color is pink and she likes playing football (American soccer). 

Lucy’s favorite class is math; she says “it’s very good.”  When she grows up she would like to be a singer. 

Her least favorite subject is Kiswahili because she’s not understanding it. 

Lucy helps by washing clothes and washing the dorms.  When her chores are finished she likes playing.

Lucy is among several children who are ready for sponsorship.  To choose a child to sponsor, please visit our Sponsorship Gallery.

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