I’ve been on a 3 1/2 day electricity fast – not by choice mind you. Power went out Monday morning and finally came back on Wednesday evening. The first day I worked on the computer until the battery went dead, which meant no more Facebook, Twitter, blogging or email. That was a very hard pill to swallow as a lot of what I do is done on the computer (photos, website, updates, blog etc.). Then I switched to my iPod…until that battery went dead. I couldn’t watch or listen to my yoga (no iPod, iTunes, computer or tv). Then I was left alone with myself and my thoughts…not an easy place to be when you’re used to filling in time with “noise”. Although Bella had the right idea…find a book to read (actually looking for a bug behind the book)!
I thought, “well, if I’m going to be left alone with my thoughts I should at least be thoughtful about something positive.” I spent a longer time in my morning devotional praying because I didn’t have the computer looking at me, coaxing me to quickly start working instead of spending that quiet time with the Lord. I also took time (time I would have most likely filled with other things) to read the Bible…not just my morning devotional. Something I need to continue even with electricity – Be still, and know that [He] is God.
Filling up on God’s word got me through the withdrawal from electricity. His love is light – no electricity needed and His light made the days, and nights, brighter.