Class 8 graduates are receiving their “acceptance letters” from various secondary schools and they, their parents or guardians are coming to the Academy with many questions, the main one being who’s going to pay for my education? I talked with one student recently and had to tell him Saved By God’s Grace could not pay for his education. He kept saying “but if you could just pay for my school.” I had to remind him there are approximately 19 Class 8 graduates who were helped by Nice View and they too were looking for fees.
Hopefully I gave him some good suggestions on what to do next (talk with churches, community groups). Have his guardian talk with the school where he received his acceptance and see if there are any options there. Ultimately I referred him to Gideon (Director at Nice View Academy) for further options on where to go for assistance.
It was depressing and heartbreaking to have to tell this young man no over and over again (I think he stayed expecting me to suddenly change my mind). But it was also a chance for me to explain we all need to move forward even through difficult situations. We aren’t just sitting on our hands waiting for God to suddenly make the funds appear, we are working on the farming project and God-willing it will be an area which can help with school fees in the future.
I have no idea why the funds aren’t here for us to pay for all these kids’ educational needs but I trust God does. It reminded me of when we first came to Kenya way back in 2008, we asked ourselves many times “why did God have us give away our money when we could have used it for this or that?” Our answer came almost instantly…it would have been US doing it not GOD. It’s the same thing now, I must lean more and more on Him, telling others to look to God for their strength, continue with the work He has for me and watch God work His wonders.