New week, new challenges, new struggles but thankfully new mercies too!

This week promises to have its share of challenges.  School begins next week (they report on May 8th) and many of the students have not given us their report forms (grades) from Term 1 (which ended end of March/beginning of April…plenty of time to get me paperwork).  We require these from the students before paying for the next term so we can monitor their progress.  But this can only happen if the school actually gives them their grades…which two schools did not.  Side note:  This is just another example of the school system here….doesn’t matter your individual grades for each term, they are simply teaching to the final, one-time exam in Form 4 (12th grade).  Plus we have a couple students who are on a “probation term” in regards to their sponsorship.  They had received a D+ or below in Term1 and now we have to wait for report forms before moving forward.  But hey, this is the system so this is how we wait.

Another challenge came just this afternoon.  I was asked to provide lunch (translation….give me money) for a government official…in our own home no less!  I did offer a meal but that wasn’t what was wanted.  I was very thankful for God’s restraint in this situation.  This person said I was acting like I wasn’t the owner…to which I replied, “I’m not, God owns this place.”

Sometimes I forget the new mercies part through the fog of issues we deal with on a daily basis.  Then a friend on Facebook writes a post which seems to be directed straight to my heart…thank you friend and God for using this friend to remind me of your mercies.  And another child at C4KK has been sponsored, which also lifts my spirit!

Without God’s mercy and grace I would most likely run back to friends and family, to a “comfortable” life, but God has me here for a purpose and through the struggles and challenges He brings me closer to Him.

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