A cook, maid and guard

At first glance it may seem unbelievable to you that we assist to employ a cook to do all the cooking, a guard to watch out over us and the compound and a maid who does the laundry, but this is the reality of what is going on…when God gives anyone in Kenya the...

Quote from Annastacia…

“She’s a chicken coward?!” -Annastacia (house mum at Mercy) told Chuck she had a chicken for us as a gift.  Chuck told her to give it to me knowing I don’t really care for chickens (at least live ones, put them on a plate thanks!)  to which she...

Driving to the store? part 2

Click here to read Part 1 After getting a driver, waiting to leave, going over details we are finally on the road.  (this picture is of Gideon driving not Mutuku, but these are some of the obstacles we face while leaving Tala!)  For you very observant people Kenya...

Driving to the store? part 1

When was the last time you drove to a shopping center (i.e. K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Target etc.)?  Did you have to do much planning to get there?  Or worrying if there would be police stops along the way?  These are just a couple questions we had to (and will again once we...

Is God’s grace sufficient?

“God’s grace is sufficient”…have you ever said that to someone?  Was it just something to say or did you really believe it?  Maybe you’ve had an experience with God that cemented that belief in your life or you have walked a daily journey...

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