Quiet or maybe not

It’s funny, every Sunday we are woken up by drums beating and very loud singing from a church about 1/4 mile away.  Seems one of the prerequisites of starting a church is to have a PA system, no joke!  Unfortunately many misuse them…screaming into the mic...

All work?

Arrived today at C4KK to find my new desk had been delivered.  I know it looks pre-fab but it’s actually hand made.  Most things out in the villages are hand made…my dresser drawers, bed and kitchen cupboards to name a few.  You may think that’s...

Good eats!

C4KK now has kitchen space to hold bulk items and that’s exactly what’s been done.  Today I thought I’d give you an approximate break down of how much food C4KK uses on a weekly basis.  The amounts will vary depending on how many kids are...

What’s in a day?

I’m trying to write a blog post every day…doesn’t always happen but I’m trying!  Seems some days just don’t seem worth the ink on paper (or bytes on computer?).  Not saying anything depressing, simply it’s life as usual and do you...

Another day

Seems today is just another day at C4KK…. – checking out the new kitchen and finding many doors/drawers not working (big surprise) – realizing I didn’t misplace a piece of paperwork, it hasn’t been collected yet and now need to...

ATM’s and other waiting games

Nothing too unusual about today but I thought I’d give you a small glimpse into a couple of typical situations we run into almost daily and today was no exception. We were at C4KK yesterday (Monday) and planned on meeting Ann and Nancy (house mom and her...

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