Another garage sale!

Calling all who want to clean out their garage/closet/storage you can drop off your donations Friday the 23rd after 5pm at 7307 W. Eugie, Peoria, AZ  85381 or All garage salers, treasure seekers, and bargain hunters…stop by Saturday morning the 24th between 6am...


This past Saturday was the garage sale… thank you to Desert Breeze Community Church for organizing it thank you to everyone who donated your treasures for the sale thank you to all who came to say hello thank you to all who purchased those...

Garage sale Saturday!!!

For all you garage salers living in Phoenix… 16651 N. 34th AvenuePhoenix, AZ  85053  All proceeds go to Saved By God’s Grace.  Stop by to say hello, find a neat treasure and help the kids in Kenya!

Buying for a cause…

I’m not one to encourage consumerism, but I do know people need to buy necessities. And by buying your necessities you can support Saved By God’s Grace. We are now affiliated with SendThemForHim – an online shopping rebate program. They have lots of...

A dream come true…

There was a huge agricultural show in Nairobi while we were in Kenya last year (2008). It’s something that occurs every year and many schools try to attend. It reminded me of the 4H fairs I would attend when I was younger. For many of our students at Nice View...

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