Few points

Here are a few things that are happening around here (and this is NOT a complete list): Arranging to get Sunday clothes made for the kids.  This way they can have one set of clothes specifically for Sunday and they won’t have to wear their clean school uniform...

Pass the baton

Recently when the secondary boys were here for mid-term one of them said he arrived home but didn’t see me until the next day. Normally I would be hounding them from the time they stepped in the door for their shopping list (needs for returning to school) or...


Normally after a trip to Nairobi I am more than happy to be back on our compound at C4KK and yesterday was no exception! We needed to get started on our residence passes so a friend came to our home the night before to help us out the following morning in Nairobi...

Stack the Stones update

Here’s where we are thus far in the Stack the Stone fundraiser.  We are still short of our goal to complete this project.  Please prayerfully consider helping, every little bit helps.  You can find more information about this project or donate at our website....

Homepage update

Ok, I admit I have not gotten the new website up and running.  No excuses but it seems it just doesn’t come to the front of the priority list during the day…sorry.  However I have updated the homepage of our existing website. We’ve also added the...

Scheduled event

We have one scheduled appointment on the US calendar!  It’s a family reunion 🙂 If you know of a church, book club, Bible study or other gathering who would like to hear about the work we do with children here in Kenya please email me (you can find that by...

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