Bread alone?

How do you tell a child God loves them yet do not fill their stomach?  I know, I know “…man does not live on bread alone…”  (Deuteronomy 8:3 NIV, emphasis added).  But as I was thinking and meditating on that question and verse the word...

Scores & prayers

We’ve received several of our secondary school (high school) students scores and we got mixed results.  These are the students who are sponsored by Nice View Academy therefore we are paying their school fees and materials.  Most of the boys have done pretty well...

Big thanks!

A big THANK YOU goes out to our friends at DBCC (Desert Breeze Community Church).  We recently received two packages filled with just about everything off our Current Wish List, along with these t-shirts.  I can’t express how wonderful it felt to know we...

A Raging River Brings Peace…

The trip to Nairobi was somewhat successful…we registered as aliens in Kenya and got our Visa’s extended.  However it was extended only until November 5 and Chuck will be checking into alternative ways for us to stay here in Kenya.  I have to be honest and...

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