Jigger removal campaign begins
At first I was going to apologize for the number of photos I'll be posting here but then realized this story needs to be told and it must be covered completely. But first I'll start on our journey to Luanda. It seems satan tries his best to defeat God's purpose, but...
New showers
By the time you read this Chuck and I, along with Joseck, will be on our way to Luanda to begin the jigger removal campaign. You'll most likely be getting quite a bit of "heavy" blog posts with photos (if internet cooperates) so I wanted to give you something light...
Dinner party
When we lived in the US I loved to entertain. Getting a menu planned out, preparing the house, setting the table with just the right dishes and looking forward to spending time with friends and family. Recently I got to figure out a menu....substituting what I...
The joy of the Lord
Here are some of the happy faces which you have been a part of by your donations to C4KK Benevolence. These families along with others are seeing the love of Jesus Christ and given the opportunity to accept His gift of salvation.
Preparations underway
Chuck and I are preparing for a trip to western Kenya (Luanda). We will be working with our C4KK Community Outreach team member, Joseck, on a jigger removal campaign. This past week Chuck has been ordering and picking up medical supplies, supplies have been...
A small addition
Technology is definitely a part of keeping people notified of what's happening with Saved By God's Grace and Caring for Kenya's Kids. I couldn't imagine missionaries back in the day with only postal services or no services at all. That certainly would have been a...
Too familiar
Many of the sad, sad situations we encounter here have become too familiar. Our hearts break each and every time we are told and we must discern where and how God wants us to become involved. Recently our friend, Agnes, told us of a little boy who was burned very...
Yes, water!
We recently visited Wasamaria Wema to see the water tanks, which C4KK Benevolence purchased, being delivered. Normally on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday the water comes through the tap from the municipal system. On those days the staff at Wasamaria fills cooking pots...
Life for many
Imagine having a tiny critter burrowing into the bottom of your foot or in your hand? This parasite will live and reproduce in your skin and spread, causing pain, inability to walk or use your hands, and could even lead to death. So what is this tiny creature which...
Meet Faith
Nope, that's not a theological statement, I mean really meet Faith! Faith will be staying at C4KK while she completes her Class 8 year of education at Koma Ranch Primary (this is the school our kids attend). Why you ask? Let me tell you Faith's story. Faith was...