Where’s the free stuff?
Do you know the mosquito is a serious killer? Back in April GatesNotes posted an infograph showing the number of deaths from various creatures: According to these numbers, the mosquito kills more than all the others combined! Recently in the Daily Nation an article...
Some days….
Actually this should read "all days" because every day I am hit with frustration of how this country is run and wonder to what extent it can get, until the next day when I hear another story. We struggle daily knowing we do not have the funds to help everyone and...
Abundant needs, limited resources
C4KK social workers (Peter and Fridah) have been busy doing home visits of the children being assisted through C4KK Benevolence and told us the need in our immediate area is so great we could spend years working right here. Currently we are diligently wading through...
Cow browsing
This morning we went cow browsing, checking out a local farmers cows. We are in the market for another cow and are beginning the process of finding a reputable seller....we did not have good luck with our last cow purchases (we were lied to about milk production and...
Mission Moment
Here's four of our youngest at C4KK: Ednah, Bonface, Edward and Emma. One of the questions I like to ask the kids is "what did you learn in school today?" This is not a 'yes' or 'no' question so they have to say something to me right!? Also, I won't get into what...
Seeing is….
Many times here in Kenya we are told something will occur only to have that "something" not be true or done. Let me give you some examples, and believe me this is a very, very short list from a looooooong list of instances: We are told someone will bring material for...
Plans, yeah right!
My plans recently were to set up a donated iPad, work on a Mission Moment video and configure a computer to work with the projector but Kenya Power thought better of those plans. Electricity went out mid-morning so no wi-fi, worked on video until battery went out and...
What would you do?
Leonida was married to a man who was involved in criminal activities, but she didn't know that until he was killed in her presence by gang members. Her mother died several years ago and she was never told who her father was. Here she is with her 9 month old...
Mission Moment
Today you get to meet our beautiful, soft spoken Emma. She is one smart girl and loves school. Emma has a tendency to stick out her tongue when she's figuring out what to say and she also is a bit of an instigator with her older siblings...typical little sister...
Trying to get this posted real quick since we are now on generator. Quick look at the day.... Kids were gone during the morning to church, Chuck and I had a leisurely breakfast then headed upstairs to sit on the veranda to read, listen to music and dance 🙂 Once the...