Can’t believe I’m saying this!

Since we are leaving in less than 30 days for the US we are requesting no packages be sent to us here in Kenya.  I have a feeling I'll be stocking up on a few wish list items anyway!  I will also be contacting sponsors while in the States for details on getting items...

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Non-existent internet lately

Boy oh boy the internet here has been terrible the past few days.  Turning off intermittently (even when we have electricity) and not allowing us access to the web...aarrgghh.  But for this moment we are on-line and I'm hoping to get this posted before we lose it...

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Sign hanging day!

Much more happened today than just hanging a sign, but that was the exciting part! We also organized secondary shopping....again (I guess I can't expect toilet paper to last forever, right!?)  I continue working with Peter and Fridah on that responsibility. Chuck and...

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How great is our God!?

It's Sunday here and what a Sunday it has been!  Full of surprises for the kids and fun times spent together.  As I write this I hear a bunch of kids outside my window playing volleyball with Chuck (the volleyball area is now clean from construction material) and...

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Saturday’s happenin’s

Ok, first off....Toothpick is not liking the great outdoors!  He's dirty and full of pickers, poor guy.  He comes in (sneaks in actually) when construction is happening and the doors are left open.  We let him stay for a bit but then has to go back outside.  We would...

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Mission home update

Things are moving along on the mission home and it may look like it is almost finished but we are still short of our goal to finish various items in the home (closets, furnishings, etc.)  If you'd like to find out more information about this project or to donate,...

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Busy, busy, busy

Yes it's been quite busy around here what with construction still on-going (kitchen is a mess and not usable yet, bathroom cabinets are being constructed and various other interior/exterior activities going on).  Plus a cold/flu type illness is going around and that...

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What to do?

Last night Chuck read in the newspaper the primary teachers were planning on going on strike today, but no further info was given (or if they were even going to strike). This morning the kids left for school then shortly thereafter they all came back...teachers had...

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Hello everyone!

Wow, it's been a busy few days and I apologize for not being around and keeping you up to date.  Bobbie and Rod arrived safely and on time and honestly we haven't let them relax for a minute since!  (please keep Bobbie in prayer, sinus issues)  We were all able to...

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Today I did some painting.  I'm ok with painting but what I don't like is painting stuff that was supposed to be painted by the painters.  Seems many people we contract work out to think that a job done 95% complete is done.  Frustrating but as you can see I did paint...

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