
Caring For Kenya’s Kids (C4KK) is a Kenyan non-governmental organization (NGO),  partnering with the U.S. non-profit “Saved By God’s Grace”.  C4KK was established to work with impoverished children and their caretakers throughout Kenya.  C4KK is dedicated to assisting with projects for the impoverished throughout Kenya, and working with other Kenyan ministries to provide support in various capacities to orphans and widows in need.  Our purpose is to show the children and their supporters there is an ultimate hope through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and God, their Father, will never abandon or forsake them.

You can witness the love of Jesus Christ through the actions of those who love the Lord and follow Him as their Lord and Savior.  Please visit Our Blog where you can see ways in which the love of Christ is demonstrated through loving our neighbors throughout Kenya.

Thank you for visiting and may God bless you!

Please visit our Donate page to become a financial partner with us in helping widows and orphans in Kenya.

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