This post is not meant to elicit any type of emotional response or tug on your heart strings, yet if it doesn’t….  It is simply what occurred and what seems to be “business as usual” around here.  Yesterday got me mad and I’m just going to tell you what happened.

Two children stopped by Ann’s apartment (Ann is the house mum for C4KK Children’s Shelter).  They live nearby in a children’s home whose owner doesn’t seem to care about the kids at all (from not providing food to a run down home to no medical attention).  They stopped by for 2 reasons:  1) they wanted Ann to call their guardians to see if anything could be done about them moving to C4KK Children’s Shelter and 2) they were hungry.

In regards to #1, Ann called one of the guardians (an aunt) and was told she couldn’t/wouldn’t do anything because she had “given” the children back to their grandfather and he has no phone so you can’t contact him about the children’s situation.  Lord if it be in Your will, please allow these children to come.

As for #2 that one was a bit simpler to remedy, if only temporarily.  They told Ann they hadn’t eaten since the night before, at the time it was 4:30pm.  These kids had went to bed hungry, school hungry and without the little Ann gave them (leftover spaghetti and corn bread) would continue to be hungry.  They said there was very little to look forward to for dinner that night and Ann said “they will eat very little, and not to satisfaction.”  Meaning, yes, they will go to bed hungry once again.

Why do I say “business as usual”?  We are finding many children are being left on their own, to find food to eat, a warm place to sleep, a safe place to lay their meager belongings, to have someone who will take care of them and not use them as slaves.  It makes me angry to see adults push kids from guardian to guardian (a guardian here is simply a person, normally a family member, who says they will take care of the child.  But in most cases is looking for the benefit in the arrangement not the care of the child), leave the child in an unsafe environment and once left never to visit or see that child again.

Yes that makes me angry and it should make you angry too.  Yet even in the midst of this anger I know there are parents and guardians willing and trying to give the best they can for their child.  We have worked with them and believe me, when we do it’s like God has reached down and touched the situation with an abundance of love, grace and mercy.  I’m thankful God is moving C4KK Children’s Shelter to completion and the children He brings can call it home.  They will “eat to satisfaction” and be shown love and concern over their lives.

Please prayerfully listen to where God is directing you to support (through finances, time or talents) because the Lord, God of all creation, has called each of us to be in His service.  I need to open my ears, listen and give my Heavenly Father this anger.

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