The upper floor construction continues on:


Chuck and I went upstairs to check out the progress:


This area will be the community gathering/game board play area/church meeting place.  As you can see Toothpick wanted to check out the progress too:


The room I am standing in is identical to the one next to it and can be opened (to the right in the photo will be a movable partition between the two rooms) making for a larger gathering area for church service or other community gathering type event.  When the rooms aren’t in use for community events they will be closed off from each other and the larger room in order to have quiet areas for the kids to study.  The larger room, where Toothpick is, will be the board game playing area and basic social hall for the kids.  This upper floor will also have two separate toilets and a possible kitchenette area.

If you’d like to assist with this project please visit our website for details.  Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

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Saved By God's Grace