You may remember yesterday I let you know the kids are/have gone to visit their relatives and the posts on the kids would be pretty much done until next year. However, I did tell you the updates for what’s happening around here and what’s happening through C4KK Benevolence would continue.
The other day while Chuck and I were on our lunch date he received info about a four year old who was left in the market, by herself, while mom attempted to get a few coins to purchase food. Not only was she alone at 9 pm, but she has some sort of skin ailment, which is very painful. As soon as we saw the pictures we told our friend “take her to the doctor.”
She has received medication and we are waiting to hear how she is doing.
We are continually presented with requests for assistance, pleas for help or our team members happen upon situations, like this little girl. With your assistance we can continue reaching out to the orphans and widows in their distress. Plus they and their neighbors are being told of the love of Jesus Christ.
This family was given a bunk bed so they no longer sleep on the floor and neighbors came around asking “what religion are you?” Our friend, Pastor Joseck, told them we are Christians but they said they had never seen Christians do that before and they wanted to join his church….honestly he’s a walking church, no building but talks of Jesus and acts as His hands and feet…that’s the church! During the “bunk bed revival” two people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior…Praise God!
If you’d like to become a partner with us in the C4KK Benevolence as we reach out to those in need, please visit our Donate page to set up your donation. Thank you and may God continue to bless you as you seek His will.