It was an emotional roller coaster for me the past few days (especially Christmas Eve and Christmas). I believe I hit most emotions sometime during that time period….happy, sad, angry, blessed, joy, frustration…you name, I felt it. Let me walk you, briefly, through the process if you don’t mind.
Our animals sure do bring me joy when I see them happy and healthy. Spunks babies enjoy the temporary seating arrangements near the front door.
We also got a guard dog for the compound. Max is a German Shepherd mix and looks to become a big dog if his paws are any indication.
We had a dog house built for him near the watchman’s area so he will be on duty with our gate patrol and learn the compound for him to defend.
We are getting one of Max’s brothers to join him in the next day or two so there will be two guard dogs on duty.
Now onto other matters…..there is no indication of Christmas anywhere near where we live. No lights, no decorated trees, no nativity scenes set up in yards. So honestly I had to remind myself it actually WAS Christmas and then the electricity went out on Christmas Eve around 7 pm and didn’t come back on until Christmas night around 9 pm. That night I slept terrible due to no fan, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Christmas Eve we did turn on the generator for a bit so we could watch It’s a Wonderful Life. We were watching with the lights on but then we were suddenly invaded by tiny termites. No idea where they were coming in from (could be any of the doors or windows which certainly do not close tightly) so we decided to watch by candlelight.
And we had these little bugs everywhere, this picture really doesn’t show you the extent of the invasion.
As I mentioned I didn’t sleep well that night so I knew I simply wanted to go to bed instead of trying to clean up. Besides doing dishes by flashlight just isn’t fun. But my wonderful hubby turned on the generator in the morning before I got up so the fan would start and I slept for another couple of hours. When I got up he had cleaned the killing fields and did the dishes!
We had a leisurely breakfast then packaged up the Christmas cookies and sweets and headed out into the neighborhood:

Benjamin, a worker at C4KK, cooks once a year! He’s cooking his tribes traditional food for his families Christmas dinner.
I had been a bit anxious too because on the 23rd my mom went in for surgery. I was able to skype with her and my sister the day before surgery and it was great seeing them and being able to tell them “face to face” how very much I love them! Mom’s surgery went well and she is recovery now at home.
Christmas night we had planned on skyping with Chuck’s parents (and family) and our kids but when the scheduled time came electricity was still not on. We text everyone to let them know and they said to let them know if/when we could skype. Thankfully around 9 pm it came on and we then skyped with the family! Would have loved to show you my screen shots but I can’t find them on my computer so I borrowed this one from my sister 🙂
Since electricity had come back on it was a nice sleep for me, although late because we didn’t get off skype until 1 am with the kids, but I’m ok with that!
Oh and I used the meat thermometer my dad-in-law sent and it works great…thanks dad!
So there’s the scoop and please take it lightly, I know I have nothing to complain about. Over the holiday we helped a mom recover her baby’s body from the hospital (the baby had died before reaching the hospital but the hospital demanded money to release the baby’s body) and helped a 14 year old girl, who had been raped repeatedly by 8 men (some using objects to rape her), get surgery for a damaged uterus. The doctor is determining if she will even be able to have children because of the damage.
Thanks for listening and remember,
Our God, is an Awesome God He reigns, from Heaven above with wisdom, power and love our God is an Awesome God…..I need this reminder…daily. By the way, we watched Ragamuffin based on Rich Mullins life, good movie.