I’m not a bug person…let me just set the record straight on that right off the bat!  I don’t care for them around me, I don’t care for them in my house but living in Kenya there is no way around them (I try to step around them but that doesn’t always work!).  We’ve had frogs in our bathroom, lizards in our bed and spiders on our ceilings and the latest really creeped me out:

This one welcomed us home after a long day in Nairobi.  Our daughter, Tarrin, asked if it was an octopus!

I’m wondering if I’ll ever get used to the idea of giant spiders, giant grasshoppers, frogs etc. co-existing with me?  I think not but God has blessed me thus far in that none of these have landed on my person.  Guess I’m praying for a protective bubble around me so they never do!

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