Before you get started on Part III of the party I wanted to let everyone know Saved By God’s Grace has an anonymous donor who will match ALL donations made to the Land & Water project from now until December 30th!  Last minute Christmas shopping…click here for more details and to donate.  Thank you donor and thank you for your prayerful consideration to this project.

(You can catch up on the Christmas party details here and here.)

The oven fires were stoked,

the whole chickens were brought to the kitchen in buckets,

then cut into smaller pieces,

Puss was keeping a close watch on the chicken and he actually snagged a wing and ran,

then the cooking began,

The kids from Mercy arrived and greeted everyone,

As we waited for the movie to begin…

tea was served – to the kids first!

Then it was time for the movie, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas,

So far everyone was having a great time and all through the movie they were smelling the yummy smells from the kitchen and waiting for what was to come next!

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