Disclaimer – the following information is solely based on our experience and may not reflect other parts of the country.

The Class 8 exam is a huge event here in Kenya and it is happening November 8, 9 and 10.  Without getting into the in’s and out’s of the education system let’s just suffice it to say this exam determines if and where the student will attend secondary school (high school).  Most secondary schools will send out “invitation letters” to Class 8 students who mark 250 or above on the exam.  Higher scores mean an invitation letter from the better schools.  If a student gets below 250 then they must make a decision….repeat Class 8 or find a school which will accept them.  The later option usually means the school is in it for the money, not the education of the child.

There is a lot of pressure on the Class 8 candidates to perform well on this exam…doesn’t matter if you had straight A’s throughout your school years, you do poorly on this one test and that is what determines your next step.  These next couple of weeks will be stressful for them, therefore, I’m asking you to please hold our Class 8 candidates at C4KK (Jacinta, Edward, Erustus and Doris) and the 54 candidates at Nice View up in prayer.  Thank you.

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