Our eldest daughter (Tarrin) leaves tomorrow morning for Houston.  She will begin another exciting chapter in her faith walk by living in Houston’s fifth ward, living intentionally with those around her.  (For more info on what she is doing please visit her sites…here or here.)  Yes it will be hard to say goodbye but I know it won’t kill me, or her, to say goodbye.  We’ve both said it before and both have grown much during our years absent from each other.  Our time together (about a month) has been filled with talks, hugs, laughter and tears and I will treasure them and that in itself makes saying goodbye just a wee bit easier.  I know God is doing a beautiful work in and through her so that too helps.  The creator of the universe, the One who loves her ever so much more than I can imagine has called her to live out His purpose for His kingdom….how could I be upset about her living according to God’s will?

Parents, I beg you, if you claim to live by and for God’s will please allow the same for your children.  That may mean saying goodbye, not an easy thing to do but I know from experience God’s love, peace and grace will ALWAYS be sufficient, tears and all.



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