That was the question of the evening last night!  But before we get to that let me show you a few photos of our last week or so in Phoenix and our visit with Tarrin in Houston:

amanda at fast eddies

Lunch date with Amanda

cardinals football game (1)

Justin took us to a Cardinals game and they won!

thanksgiving (3)

Amanda made Thanksgiving dinner and we spent a quiet evening with the kids

thanksgiving (1)

Thanksgiving dinner

shooting (2)

One more day of shooting! Mark had to test out his new gun 🙂

dine in movie night

Dine in movie night with Mark and Amanda…fun times!

Family photo...but we missed having Tarrin around in Phoenix

Family photo…but we missed having Tarrin around in Phoenix

sunset (2)

Sunset….somewhere in our travels towards Michigan

While visiting Tarrin in Houston we got to see some sites she has wanted to see (but was unable to because of transportation/time issues)  But we had the car so off we went!  We visited the Menial Museum, saw some community gardens, ate really good pizza and toured the Third Ward Row Houses:

project row houses third ward tarrin (12)

Third Ward Row House

project row houses third ward tarrin (8)

Tarrin’s Houston apartment (with a couple roommates in the background)

houston skyline (1)

Houston skyline

project row houses third ward tarrin (7) project row houses third ward tarrin (6) project row houses third ward tarrin (1)

Then it was time to drive…..

moonlight (4)

Beautiful night for driving. This day we hit four separate states in one day!

Now for last night’s adventure!  It first began with a strange noise coming from the car.  We had driven through some rain and thought something had gotten wet and was making a funny noise.  We couldn’t figure out what it was and dad just happened to call while it was happening (we were at a gas station) and since it’s his car he should know what the noise was, right!? Wrong, he couldn’t figure out what it was either.  It would go on for a couple seconds then stop, then start up again about few minutes later.  Finally while the noise was happening I picked up Chuck’s phone from the dashboard and realized the noise was coming from his phone!  It was the weather alert telling us to get off the road due to a tornado in the area!  We had driven through the rain but didn’t think anything was that bad.  But at least we found out what the noise was….danger, tornado ahead!  Well, we didn’t run into the tornado but we did hear of all the damage it had caused and for those families we pray for your safety and for electricity to come back quickly.

So while we were driving and missing terrible weather (thank you Jesus for perfect timing) I was craving Pizza Hut pan pizza so around 7:30 we decided to stop for dinner and the night.  That’s when trouble began!  We stopped at three separate Pizza Hut locations only to find they were carry out only (wanted to sit down inside and relax a bit). Finally at 8:15 I told Chuck the next Pizza Hut I don’t care what it is we’ll order and take it to the hotel.  We stopped, went inside and the lady said she hoped she could take our order because the storms had reset their computers!  Plus they didn’t have pan pizza….aarrgghhh!  Ok, let’s order and go get a soda.  Went to get soda, came back, picked up our pizza and headed to the hotel.  Jill (our trusty gps) told us to take a right for the hotel….we did but that took us back to the highway instead of to the driveway of the hotel…aarrgghhh, again!  Instead of turning around at the next exit we simply kept driving another 12 miles to the next hotel!  We saw a Super 8, Motel 6 and Best Western and decided we’d head in there (we normally stayed at the Super 8’s along the way).  We pulled into the hotel and the guy told us to drive around the side to our room….which we did but it felt a little weird because the Motel 6 sign was across the road about 1/2 mile away, Best Western sign was directly across the road and the Super 8 sign was next door….so where were we!?  We looked at the key, it said Motel 6…ok we are at Motel 6.  We looked at the notepad, it said Best Western…ok we are at Best Western.  There were no other signs indicating where we were but wherever we were it was a nice room so we ate our cold pizza and went to bed!  The next morning we looked around to figure out where we were and this is the sign in front of the hotel:

unknown hotel


We never figured out where exactly we were but we thank God for a good nights sleep in the unknown hotel!

Tonight we are at our friends home for the night and then it’s back to Midland for a couple of weeks.  Thank you all for your prayers and support during our stay here in the US…remember the matching donation is still on-going, click here for details and thank you for your prayerful consideration in helping this ministry.


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