Departure seems to be haunting the group a bit and I know the kids are preparing themselves for “see you later”.  I’ve had a couple group members say “well, if I leave this or that I guess I’ll just have to return!”  To which I say karibusana!

Today the kids had their closing program and did several skits, songs and presentations.  My prayer is the words will penetrate their hearts and move their spirit so each child, young person and adult will serve the living God!

closing-program-and-gifts-(4) closing-program-and-gifts-(3)

The group presented gifts to staff members


and FBC, along with the children’s sponsors, blessed each child with a Bible.  What a special gift for everyone to receive the Word of God!


May I take this opportunity to thank everyone involved with this mission trip…to those who are here, to those who sent them, to those who donated items, to those who prayed, may you be abundantly blessed by our Heavenly Father and experience the joy of serving.

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