Two days after the group’s arrival my excitement is drawn to the toilet paper.  Each person brought one or two rolls of toilet paper and what a difference that paper is from our Kenyan paper!  I mentioned that to the group and someone said “out of all the things we brought you are excited about toilet paper?”  Well I know what’s important, right!?

Honestly though they have pampered me with more than toilet paper….mainly their company!  I did have a teary moment when two team members (mother and son) were interacting and I was reminded of how very much I miss my boys (and girls) and the fun times we had together.

Anyway, here’s a Sunday update:

We started the morning by walking to the PCEA church.  The kids were very timely and we certainly appreciated that!  The service was in English so we could understand it, although the speaker system was a bit loud but we got through it.  It was a very nice service and we appreciated the warm welcome from the church.


Once back at C4KK we had a bit of time before lunch (which I skipped and simply had popcorn…don’t tell the group) so the group did a few activities with the kids.  Then after lunch they did nail painting, card playing, claping game and drumming time

game-playing game-playing-(2)


Once everyone was somewhat settled (yea right!) an egg hunt was underway.  The younger kids got a head start so Bobbie had to hold back the older kids.

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After the egg hunt was done some played volleyball, group members chatted with kids individually and some played on the new swing set.


While I was waiting for the delicious chicken BBQ to be cooked I took Bear and Pixie for a walk in the shamba.

bbq-(1) taking-bear-and-pixie-for-a-walk

And then I had the tough job of carrying jello over to the children’s home!


The kids were ready to eat!


Dinner was delicious.  BBQ chicken (on the grill), baked beans, cold pasta salad and blue berry muffins:)


And the servers were fun and ready to serve everyone…thank you ladies for being great “cafeteria ladies” 🙂 (I told you Darlene I would put this on the internet…I believe it shows your wonderful, fun-loving personality!


Then it was time for dessert….there’s always room for jello, right?

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And it doesn’t look like anyone had fun (yes that is sarcasm)


Now I’ve left the clean up (ok, I left the entire day) to the group and I believe they will have a team meeting so I’ll jump in the shower and hopefully get to bed early!  Thanks for your continued prayers for the group and this ministry.

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