From My Brother’s Keeper in Nakuru:

Donated foodstuffs and basics, paid house rents for widows and orphans, bought pain meds for a couple of people, bought school uniforms and paid lunch monies for a number of school going children in the slums.

giving-out-food children-given-sweets school-fees-uniform-for-secondary-student

Found out that we can do one house at a cost of $150.

Beginning construction on this homebuilding-a-home

From Luanda C4KK Outreach:

Jeremiah smiles is triggered by the fact that we brought him something to eat and clothes too. His muscles are wasting away and he is almost crippled now. He used to live a normal life until a year ago. He has lost speech, but he can hear very well. His close relatives are long dead and those who live in the neighbourhood barely cares to check whether he has a meal or not. When the Lord sets a situation like this before us, we [leap] into action and only do what Jesus could have done if He were here. Thank God He is in Us!


These are vulnerable youths and given that Alshabab is seeking to recruit youngsters as jihadists I thought it wise to lead them to Jesus that they may know God as their Father.  Most of them ended up in Luanda because of harsh life after the deaths of their parents.

The Luanda C4KK outreach team members are bringing young boys and girls together to play soccer and to help them stay out of drugs and prostitution (girls earn about 500/-ksh, approx. $5, a night).

luanda-lakers-soccer-outreach luanda-lakers-soccer-outreach-(2) luanda-lakers-soccer-outreach-(1)

As you can see life continues on and each of these programs is in need of additional funding….families want to eat every day, students want to continue going to school, moms want their kids to sleep under a solid roof (no sleeping under the rain), medicine needs to be purchased, rents paid.  Along with this we are also working on creating self-sustaining projects but until there are no needy persons among us (taken from Acts 4) we will continue assisting and asking for your financial support.

Please consider becoming a monthly supporter of Saved By God’s Grace.  It’s really very simple 🙂  Visit our Donate Page and there you can start the process.  Thank you and have a blessed day!

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