Even though the needs are never ending we are blessed with some smiles from time to time.  First the needs then the smiles.

Every corner of her house leaks whenever it rains.. A widow with five orphans. We will continue helping them by the grace of God.  Ben-My Brother’s Keeper

new-home-needed new-home-needed-(1)

Doctor Raphael examines Alice. A motorbike (boda boda) knocked her down on 20th September 2014 and left her with a completely broken leg, just below the knee. A government hospital in kisumu sent her back home with rotting and protruding bones.  Her leg has infection already and the only option to save her life is to amputate the rotting lower limp. She is a widow, her only living son is insane and beats her up occasionally asking for food from an immobile mother. She needs help urgently before gangrene knocks her down.  Joseck-C4KK Luanda Outreach


Agnes, from Wasamaria Wema, prays with a young boy in the slum who is ill.


Ben, from My Brother’s Keeper, was in an accident but he continued visiting and assisting those living with HIV/AIDS.



Now for the smiles 🙂

Bosco and Peter, from C4KK, visited with Agnes to discuss school uniforms for the kids at Wasamaria Wema.  Not exactly the biggest smilers but you try and get a Kenyan to smile for a picture!


I am one happy widow because you helped me a lot by building me a house. Now, we have a home and we are safe from rain.  Ben, My Brother’s Keeper

new-home-for-widow-with-grandchildren new-home-for-widow

These photos have touched the core of my heart today! I know that I know God’s heart has been touched also..He is surely pleased that these 2 Kenyan youth are displaying His love for these precious boys.  Beverly, Hidden Treasures

hidden-treasures-volunteerI have to say how blessed I am to know these wonderful souls who are helping the sick, lonely and uncared for people in Kenya.  Please consider a monthly (or one time) donation to Saved By God’s Grace which will help these ministries to continue helping widows and orphans.

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