When I ask you what “community” means to you, what comes to mind?  Is it where you live?  How about the people you meet up with?  Does it include relationships or simply acquaintances?

One of the programs Saved By God’s Grace assists is building community with elderly grandparents who are taking care of their grandchildren.  Imagine if you can being 80, 90 or even 100 years old and being the sole provider for 2, 3, 4 or more grandchildren.  There is no food stamp program to help, no government social services to assist with rent, no local program for job assistance.  These grandmothers are attempting to do what little they can to feed their grandchildren and Saved By God’s Grace is stepping in to help.

Now imagine being this same grandmother and not only having a place to receive food items to help over the next month but also being in a place where you are loved.  This group is growing not only because food is being supplied but this is a safe place for them to talk with each other.  They are building community among themselves, learning more about the Bible and God’s love and their hearts are open to His love.

The program director told us they are beginning to forgive those who have harmed them in the past and through that forgiveness they are accepting the forgiveness from our Heavenly Father and loving each other.

Being part of a community is so much more than simply knowing each other, it’s being accepted and loved through the circumstances of life.  Knowing someone is praying for you.  Feeling loved.  Having someone to talk to.  Being involved with others in similar circumstances.  Sharing a meal and some laughter with each other.

Please consider becoming a financial partner with Saved By God’s Grace and help us build an even bigger community with these wonderful grandmothers!






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