Joseck was recently a guest speaker at a local radio station and he said the spot went well.  He went on to say, “a lot of people called in glorifying God and thanking C4KK for what we are doing to people in this community.  They called it extra ordinary service to humanity that nobody has never done before from time in memory.”


Here is a little of what’s been happening lately:

A grandmother was visited and given medication for her high fever.


The bedding her and her grandchildren sleep on


and the condition of the roof


A local businessman joined Joseck one day and was in deep thought over the condition in which they saw many living.


The women of Kenya are strong individuals and many simply want the best for their children


Joseck and his family are raising a few chickens


Revival Worship Church is blessing many…along with several youth from the community



Community is happening
Service is being done
Food is distributed
Medical attention is given
Love is shown
Hope is manifested within the people

Please join us as we continue sharing the love of Jesus Christ to our neighbors in Kenya.

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