Saved By God’s Grace is seeing a change in people who are shown a little love and told of the hope in Jesus Christ.


Sarah was given a new roof on her home so they would no longer sleep in fear of being rained upon.  She said “I was so excited when you people of God came to take measurement.  I knew in my heart that God has shown His light upon me.



Even something as simple as a new uniform can bring a beautiful smile to a young girls face.


Thank you for being a part of bringing hope to those who feel they are without hope.  Many are seeing the love of Christ through tangible gifts….new roofs, school uniform and shoes, beds, medical attention and much more.

Thanks also go to our faithful team members through C4KK who continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our neighbors in Kenya.

Please consider partnering with us as we continue to live out James 1:27.

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