What do you look forward to this time of year?  Is it being with family, sitting down for a big meal and perhaps exchanging gifts?  After years of being away from family I simply look forward to sitting around the kitchen table with the kids (and my mom and sister are coming this week) laughing, talking and maybe playing a game or two.  The togetherness is the highlight and now after Chuck’s heart attack it means even more to be together.  I’m so thankful to God that He has allowed us one more Christmas to celebrate the birth of Jesus together as a family.

I also realize there are many who do not have family to celebrate with, or no food to make a special meal, or no way of buying a gift.  Saved By God’s Grace, along with our outreach partners in Kenya, works to provide necessities during this holiday season and throughout the year.  One such program is providing a hot meal and a little food for the elderly in Juja, Kenya.


If you are so inclined to donate to this ministry and want a tax receipt please make your donation before December 31.  You can see the ways to donate here.

I know I wrote you in the last post about various projects and their funding, but I guess it never hurts to say it again 🙂

  • Getting kids back into school at the beginning of the year (school year in Kenya in January through December) will be approximately $5000
  • Working on a chicken project will also be approximately $5000

Plus we are always looking for new monthly donors which will help us to be able to assist more people regularly.  Please consider joining us as we spread the love of Jesus to those in Kenya.

Thank you and I pray you have a blessed Christmas with family and friends.

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