Ever wonder how long it takes to affect a person’s life?  How about bringing hope into their existence?  Or gratitude? Or love?

With your giving, which is very simple to begin if you aren’t already a partner with us :), Saved By God’s Grace can assist and in a single moment bring much to a person’s life.  Whether that is food, education, housing or any number of daily living needs.

Here are some of our before and after’s and honestly these pictures only tell a very small fraction of the joy felt by those assisting and the gratefulness of those receiving.


This child was starving until Saved By God’s Grace brought food and medical attention.  On a personal note, since returning from Kenya I never say “I’m starving” when I’m actually just really hungry.  I’ve seen starving.


Isn’t he the cutest!?  Thank you for donating to allow us to help this little one continue his life. Who knows what God has for his future!


A roof in desperate need of repairs.  The occupants of this home had to huddle in a corner during the rains in order to stay somewhat dry.


Now they can sleep in comfort knowing the floors will stay dry during the rainy seasons.


Water is a precious item and many are unable to find clean, sanitary water sources so they are forced to use whatever water they can find.


Saved By God’s Grace continues to install wells for local communities throughout Kenya.


Many families must sleep on dirt floors, piles of clothes or rotten foam.


Thank you for helping us provide beds, mattresses and bedding to many families.


Since many families struggle to pay required school fees (we also assist with paying school fees for those who can not make it) they are unable to purchase uniforms for their child.  Kids go to school with ripped uniforms and if they attend school without a uniform they are sent home until they acquire one.



When a child receives a new uniform their smile lights up the room and they can attend school with pride.



As mentioned above, families will sleep on dirt floors, cardboard or whatever material they can find.


But having a bed means a good nights sleep for mom and kids.

I honestly could go on and on with before and after’s.  We have jigger treatments, paying rents, helping get someone out of “hospital prison”, treating wounds, taking someone to the hospital, giving food to grandmothers and as I mentioned, on and on and on.

Your donations are helping people in the moment and what a blessing to see their smiling faces and to hear the thankfulness in their voices.  Not only are they thankful for your immediate assistance but they are also told of Jesus’ love for them which gives them a hope for the future.

If you aren’t already, please consider becoming a partner with us as we continue helping families right at this moment!

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