Whether looking back or looking forward, Saved By God’s Grace has plenty of avenues for involvement and assisting in Kenya.  Much has been accomplished this past year and we thank you for your support.

Now that 2018 is upon us I know that some of us may take this time to take a look back at 2017, analyze where we strayed and perhaps rededicate ourselves in this new year; while some of us may see this as simply another day to try to do better.  I’m normally in the later category and basically my daily prayer is asking God for the strength to do this thing called life better each and every day.  Boy do I fail miserably but I’m so thankful He picks me up, brushes off the dirt and points me in the right direction.

I would like to thank you all for supporting Saved By God’s Grace throughout this previous year and in years past.  We can only do what God has directed us to do by His grace and through the support of donors like you.

Grandmothers were fed, houses were built, children were educated, villagers were able to walk again because their jiggers were eradicated, families slept safely under a new roof, beds provided a comfortable nights sleep, thirst was quenched with clean water…and that’s just the physical side.

A comforting hand dispelled the shame of disease (HIV/AIDS, jiggers), smiles replaced the tears of children who had been kicked out of school because of fees or torn school uniform, the gnawing ache of hunger was filled with knowing someone cared (along with a plate of food), love was shown to those who felt unlovable.

Through the physical act of filling basic needs we are able to show the love of Christ and bring His message of saving grace to many.  Will you join us this year in providing food, medical, education, hope and love to our neighbors in Kenya?  Visit our Donate page to begin your partnership with us today.  Thank you and God bless.

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