It’s been pretty exciting lately as we have received videos of recipients of Angel Tree donation items!

Desert Breeze Community Church in Phoenix, Arizona organized an Angel Tree project during the 2017 Christmas holiday and it was a huge success!  Goats, chickens, school fees, jigger removal treatments, school uniforms, food, beds and even a well were donated through the project and now we are seeing those gifts being handed out.  Through your assistance you have brought joy to many and shown them the love of Christ in action.

We will be keeping the Gifts of Hope page open because these items are needed throughout the year, not just at Christmas time.  Please scroll through those items and donate where you feel led or prayerfully consider becoming a monthly supporter of Saved By God’s Grace.

As you are watching these please notice the surrounding area.  This is a chance to see how our kids live in Kenya, how the markets look and a basic view of their home villages.

The first video is Bonface who received a new school uniform and a goat.  Bonface was brought to us when he was three and I remember that day so clearly because he was so very small and sickly.  But look at him now!  He’s doing very well in school and growing up strong and healthy.  The second video is spoken in the native language (Kiswahili) and he is saying, “thank you Desert Breeze for the mattresses and beds for the kids and God bless you.”

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