Thanks to your generous donations we were able to hand out sanitary pads to 140 girls!  We are hoping to continue this program because there are still many, many girls who are going without, having to work or even have sex in order to pay for pads (you can read about that here).

We were told it was World Menstruation Day recently (who knew!) and an agency handing out pads only had 30 pads to hand out!  They were overwhelmed with girls who did not receive pads.

Through our friend Ben we handed out pads to 140 girls, but there are many who came and did not receive.  We began a waiting list and are praying for the funds to continue purchasing pads for these girls.

Please, if you are able, donate to this cause by clicking here and writing “pads” in the comment section. Every bit helps as each pad is 50¢  Thank you!

Some of the girls heading to the venue where we were distributing the pads.

Girls waiting for the distribution of sanitary pads

The public health officer Nakuru West constituency helped hand out pads

To them, it was a great blessing. Most of them said their parents couldn’t afford buying them pads during this covid-19 pandemic season and they didn’t know how things would have turned out.

We had 30 extra girls who came after we had finished distribution and they kept on coming even after i had left the venue.

Registering names of those who didn’t get and will consider them next.




Ben attempted to keep social distancing protocols while distributing sanitary pads to 140 girls.

Here’s the link where you can securely donate online for this program.  Remember every cent counts as each pad is 50¢.  Simply write “pads” in the comment section and your donation will go towards helping a young girl receive sanitary pads.

Thank you again to everyone who helped us hand out pads to 140 girls already!  As mentioned earlier they were blessed by your assistance.

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