Three weeks ago Saved By God’s Grace put out a request for help in building three homes for desperate families (you can read those stories here).  You came through with such generosity that the homes are being built!  These families are praising God for His provision and are seeing His love through your giving.








The first home progress and look at those smiles!







Beds were made and the children will now sleep safely and comfortably.








In order to make the mud walls water has to be brought in and that is all done by walking to the water source with these plastic jugs, filling them and walking back to the construction site.  Mama helps how she can to build her new home.



When a family receives a new home all members of the household are there to assist however they can. One will help prepare tea for the volunteer construction workers and another will simply look cute!

I hope you all can see the significance of your contributions.  These families will have a safe, secure home to live in now.  The community also is affected by this.  Many times the elders of the village will come out to see what’s happening.  They ask why we are doing this and are told because of Christ’s love for us we show love to others. 

A community, a village, a family, an individual….all praising God!

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