This woman and her children were shunned and laughed at.  She is a co-wife with other women who all have grown up children.  They laughed at her becasue she is a professed Christian within a Muslim household.  Saved By God’s Grace found out about her situation through Ben (our friend in Kenya) and with your donations we were able to build them a new home.  Praise God they are no longer being laughed at.

Interior of the home

Exterior of the home

The only mattress in the house was used as part of the wall to cushion them from the harsh weather.

Beginning of the new construction with the family watching and thanking God!

The house is ready for windows and three doors.

I love seeing families being blessed by your generosity.  This family now has God to thank for their new home!

Now that I’ve got your heart praising God how about helping three more families!?

Each house costs $1500 to build and this includes beds, mattresses and blankets.  Thankfully we have wonderful people on the ground who are willing to donate the labor!

Please consider donating to this project and help us bless three more families!  If you’d like to help simply go to our Donate page and write “new home” in the comment section.

Thank you and be blessed my friends!

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