Our friend Ben, in Kenya, recently relayed a request from the chief of Busombi Village.  He asked if Saved By God’s Grace could partner with him in helping 8 widows and their families by replacing their thatch roof with iron sheets (a much better option for keeping the rains out).

It was encouraging to receive this request, knowing the local villagers and chief were looking to help their neighbors.

The chief said he and others would supply the timber, labor and roof timber and asked if we could help with the iron sheets, ridges, nails, doors and transportation of the material.

We are looking at eight homes with each home costing $500 (for a total of $4,000 for all eight houses).

The thatch roof decays quickly due to weather conditions and some, if they had iron sheets, have rusted through as you’ll see in the pictures below.  These families are sleeping under a roof that leaks heavily when it rains, leaving them to either sleep on a wet floor or attempt to cover up their belongings with plastic.

Please prayerfully consider helping these 8 families.






One of the widows the chief requested we help. Their grass thatched roof leaks heavily whenever it rains.







As you can see this roof is in dire need of replacement. 






This thatched roof does nothing to keep this family dry during the rainy seasons.

Again, each home would cost $500 ($4,000 total for 8 homes) to replace the roof and add a secure door.  Please visit our Donate page if you are able to contribute.

Thank you and God Bless.

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