Maybe you think your donation isn’t doing much, or that it seems nothing is changing….I’m here to tell you that is incorrect thinking!

Every donation is used in some way to help our neighbors and brothers and sisters in Kenya who are in need.  Thank you doesn’t seem enough but it’s what we have to give you…




This is Mike, 13 years ago.


We are told by our partner in Kenya:

Thanks you never gave up on Mike when i rescued him. Mungu akubariki (God Bless)




Here is Mike now, on his way to school!

This is just one story where a life was changed because of your donation.  Each person is not only assisted with physical needs (food, water, medical, education, etc.) but they are told of the love of God. 

So you see, your donation is enlarging the Kingdom of God…one person at a time…Praise God!

I wish that could be the result in every story we meet…success and glory to God.  But without funding, assistance can’t always be given.  Ben, our partner in Kenya, told us about this situation:

Yesterday, i was able to hear Eliud’s mother’s story.


Things are tough for her, she doesn’t have a job and to make matters worse she is pregnant. She says there was a day last year in August when a gang of 5 men attacked them in the dead of the night with pangas (machete’s) threatening to kill her and her two sons, the gang demanded cash from her, but finding out that she had nothing…they gang raped her resulting to her current condition. The place where they stay is still risky even though they have been given a notice to vacate the house by 28/1/2023. The son is very excited to start secondary school and hopes that one day he will come rescue his mother and siblings.

As mentioned earlier, your donations go to families like these.  We are continually discerning how to best use your generous giving and by God’s Grace He continues to bless many individuals and families in Kenya, through your assistance.

If there is ever a particular situation you want to donate to please tell us that in the comment section of the online donation form (find that here).  Otherwise your donation will be prayerfully put to good use in Kenya.


Saved By God’s Grace thanks you for your continued support, both financially and in prayer.

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