It was a busy week last week and a lot was accomplished, thank you God for your help getting through it all.
The digging for the pit latrine (which will be used by the matron and her kids until the children’s home is actually built) was completed:
Ananstacia was moved into her apartment. She will be the matron for the children’s home and is temporarily living in an apartment with her children and 2 other class 8 students. Actually they are sharing 2 apartments.
Then there was time taken out to encourage a runaway who wants to come live at the children’s home – which is nonexistent at the moment. Hoping and praying the kids are seeing the work being done and it is being done for their benefit…if they can just hang in there.
Discussions ensued over drawings for the children’s home:
Materials were dropped at the site for construction to begin on the latrine and showers:
And as I’m sure you are familiar with I took a few nature photos:
That pretty much catches you up on last week. I’ve also been planning paint colors for the new gate, updating my database for the students at Nice View (which I completed on Monday), working on pen pal letters and working on the website for Caring for Kenya’s Kids…whew. Now to see what God has in store for this week 🙂
Who’s the guy with the muscles?!