Extended vision

As plans move along and construction continues God extends our vision to fall more and more in line with His vision.  We, of course, are only moving as God leads and as He provides but this is what we are seeing for the property at Caring For Kenya’s Kids...

Well begins

“Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank.”  Exodus 20:11 Ok we don’t have Moses, we have Ken.  The rock is struck much more than twice, probably going to be...

C4KK Children’s Shelter

As promised here are photos of the continuing construction on C4KK Children’s Shelter:   That brings you up to date as of Wednesday 🙂  Please prayerfully consider helping with this project as we only work by the Grace of God and the providence He brings our...

Vision update

Ever notice how you get a grand idea and then God morphs it into something He wants done?  Don’t get me wrong, I believe God gives the grand idea to begin with so the possibilities can be seen.  But He sees the big picture much better than us and begins to turn...

Tight squeeze

Two more boys have joined Annastacia and the other kids at the temporary shelter and it’s going to be a tight squeeze for the next 30 days while they are on break from school.   While the boys are  here we are putting them to work, teaching a bit of work...

Breath in, breath out

That’s what I’m doing today (Sunday)…taking a few breaths to get ready for the upcoming week.  Tarrin left early Friday morning (you can read her blog and see what we did the last few days she was here) I did pretty well with her leaving, no tears...

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