Two more boys have joined Annastacia and the other kids at the temporary shelter and it’s going to be a tight squeeze for the next 30 days while they are on break from school.

Squeezing in one more double decker


While the boys are  here we are putting them to work, teaching a bit of work ethic, letting them make a few coins for school shopping and keeping them busy!

They are moving dirt from one area of the property to another to create a garden area for the shelter. They will reap fruits (or veggies) from their work!

It’s been awhile since I gave you any of my “just because” photos so here’s one:

These stones are used for the walls of the shelter

And lastly, poor Patches looks like someone punched him in the face.  Not sure what happened but keeping an eye on it, not much else you can do here.

poor guy 🙁

Looks to be a busy week this week so please forgive me if I don’t get blog posts out regularly.  I think I’m still playing catch up from when Tarrin and the group was here…but it will eventually fall into place and be back to a “normal” schedule.


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