(Read Part III)

Upon leaving Dr. S’s office I needed to get blood work done and we knew which surgeon (we’ll call him Dr. B-a brother in Christ) we wanted to talk to about the surgery.  Thankfully the doctor, surgeon and lab are all in the same medical complex.  Chuck took me downstairs to the lab and while I was waiting he went to the surgeon’s office to set up an appointment.  We trusted this surgeon as a fellow believer and he had prayed with us before during an unrelated surgical procedure.  The staff told Chuck they didn’t accept our insurance but Chuck insisted on Dr. B doing the surgery.  After convincing them (through Chuck’s tears, prayers and insistence) to take me on as a patient they said I couldn’t get in for another two weeks to see Dr. B.  Chuck tried to get an earlier appointment but they said nothing could be done.

Chuck came back to the lab, I had my blood drawn and we went home.  Now you can read that sentence very calmly, but I DISLIKE needles very much and have fainted or been close to fainting on many occasions when having my blood tested.  So not only was I getting a needle stuck in my arm, but my mind was totally freaking out and as soon as she stuck me I started crying.  The poor phlebotomist (ok, really, how many times in your lifetime do you get to use that word?!) had a look of regret for causing harm, but Chuck told her what we had just been told and she understood and said something very calming.  I can’t remember what she said I just remember her compassion.

As we were driving home I remember feeling like I really hadn’t just been told I had cancer.  I mean, wasn’t it just another ordinary day?  Weren’t people driving about their business, planning dinner, going out with friends, working at their office?  I felt fine, no health issues and I felt like it must be a mistake.  Chuck and I really didn’t talk much on the way home, but before arriving home I received a phone call from Dr. B.  He said to come in this Thursday (as opposed to two weeks in the future) to discuss the results and a plan of action.  I thanked him and the Lord for moving the appointment up and upon reflection I felt the Lord had moved the appointment up so my mind wouldn’t have so much time to race about the what-if’s and He was showing me His love and control over this situation.

(Go to Part V)

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